Ram Stop Valve

973 Series ram stop valve

Product description

ARKOC 973 Series ram stop valve: Designed to protect the pipeline, which dampens the sinusoidal energy waves resulting from the power interruption at the first filling, pipeline shutdown, or energy interruption in the pumping systems, and automatically discharges the ram pulsing to the pumping systems, especially momentum resulting from the moment of departure, to the atmosphere Safety control valves.

Standard accessories

• On-off speed adjusting valve

• type mini strainer filter

• Mini ball valve

• Pressure hour

Optional accessories

• Flow regulating valve (v-port)

• Large filter

• Position indicator shaft

• Stainless or copper signal hoses according to the fluid content (chlorinated etc.)

• Stainless fittings according to the content of the fluid (chlorinated etc.)

Things to be aware of during installation and use

Before installing the valve on the pipeline, the pipeline must be free from large impurities. Absolutely dirt trap should be placed in front of the valve In case of a possible failure, an isolation valve (sliding valve or butterfly valve) must be placed in front of and behind the control valve for faster response. When mounting the valve in place, the lifting rings on it must be used Must be assembled according to the arrow direction on the valve cover. Sufficient space must be left around the valve to easily make the necessary settings and maintenance. If the pilot mechanisms and accessories are installed on the valve, care must be taken to prevent possible damage, and it is more appropriate to remove the accessories if they can be reinstalled if possible. The valve should be mounted on the pipeline as ” T “. Valve can be installed horizontally or vertically on pipeline.

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